Miss Amelia is 1!


Yes, Amelia turned 1 and had her first birthday party at a drop-in daycare called Giggles!  This place is awesome!!  If you live in Cary and ever find a need to drop off the children for a bit, give it a try!  There were lots of family and friends, lots of yummy food, and yes…lots of Giggles at Amelia’s birthday party!


More Snow!

More snow??  I was happy when it snowed once!  That was enough for this Family!  This round of snow we spent less time playing in it, and more time looking at it! 🙂  It is so special to see how magical snow is to a young child.  I hope everyone got home safely during all of the chaos as the storm began and enjoyed a little down time.


Lacy June Turns 1!

Sweet Lacy June was not feeling well her birthday weekend, but what a trooper!!  She was definitely the center of attention at her birthday party and was surrounded by a house full of loving friends and family.  You could truly feel the love surrounding her in her home.  She dug into her cake with a little help from Mommy!  What a wonderful afternoon!


And an unexpected surprise!!DSC_5075DSC_5078DSC_5090DSC_5168-2DSC_5195DSC_5213DSC_5269DSC_5366

Welcome to Katie Manton Photography!

Hi! I am so glad you’re visiting Katie Manton Photography’s brand new website!  Although this is my Photography website and my blog will contain posts from my recent work, it will also serve as a personal blog.  It is important to me to keep a blog to act as a journal, but also to challenge me to become a better photographer.  I hope you enjoy reading!

Snow!  We finally got snow, and yes, although I am ready for spring now, (and we may get snow again this week??) I was so thankful that Madison was able to play in the snow this year.  As you can tell, we were less than prepared, but gathered what we could find for her and took her out to play!  No waterproof pants, no snow boots, and yes…no gloves!  But hey, she didn’t seem to mind!  We ate snow, we rolled around in the snow and we tried sledding on a piece of cardboard, which was by the way was very UNsuccessful…Don’t try it!  Luckily we found a little sled someone left behind and we let Madison sled down the hill on that a few times.  She had the time of her life and seeing that smile on her face over  and over again and hearing her laugh the whole way down was priceless!
